Welcome to INK Virtual’s Thought Space

Welcome to INK Virtual’s Thought Space: where we unpack all things related to efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity.

Well, well, well!! Guess who is allowing the world in on her writing…

I am excited to dust off the thoughts and opinions that lie in my private archives, to connect better with my community and stimulate conversation, impart my thought process on others and see what happens.

This is a space I will specifically use to share things I am passionate about or those that my audience have shared would be of value to them. This could be anything from social value and the power of community and collaboration to resolve the world’s persistent problems, children’s wellbeing, self-actualisation, business efficiency and effectiveness amongst others.

But first, a little about the girl behind the words. Who am I? I’ve done a quick search of random questions and have found 5 I’ve never answered publicly, so here goes:

What activities did I love as a child?

Reading fiction. There was no greater bliss than getting lost in stories. I’d pick a good read on any given day over being outdoors playing with my cousins ad friends. From the Famous Fives, Hardy Boys and Nancy Drews to the Danielle Steels and Sidney Sheldons and whatever else had a good plot, I was all about that. Even the not so good plots, I stuck it out to see whether it would improve… Haha!

What do I most daydream about?

Sun, sea and sand – being in places that have all three without a clock.

What activities make me feel most alive?

Great deep conversations that stimulate the heart and mind. Deep involving worship of God my Creator. Revelations and insights from the seemingly mundane e.g. morning birdsong and how it speaks of the birds that gladly usher in each new day, fully unaware they have no control of what lies ahead today.

What would I do with my life if money was not a problem?

Charity work elevating children and women anywhere and everywhere in the world, within their context.

What’s on my mind right now?

All the things I have to do, how much more can I do tonight and still be effective all through the day tomorrow. (Basically, tonight is one of those where I am burning the midnight oil!

This is enough for me. I am sure a lot more will be revealed as we continue our journey together.

Happy reading. Let’s have some fun with this. Let me know what you want to see more of, and I just might indulge you!

Irene Nambi Kafeero (INK)

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